second hand phone

Things to Check Before Buying a Second-hand Phone

You might need to buy a second-hand phone. According to several smartphone-savvy users,’ the joy of opening an original and new mobile phone with the newest features and technologies is nothing compared to the joy of buying a second-hand phone! 

However, buying a new phone might not always be a feasible option, particularly if you consider yourself to be a technological nerd who is always looking for the most recent models in the mobile phone business.

There are times when buying a used phone is a far better financial decision than buying a new one, especially if you don’t expect to spend a fortune on mobile devices. How can you be certain that you are acquiring a deal that is excellent value for money? 

Method to ensure your phone is not second hand

There is no simple method to know for sure if a phone is new or not once you’ve already purchased it. The option to type a code in the dial box appears to have been removed for quiet. Sometimes, giving you very few choices.

 You may be very certain that no one has ever used it if the package was nicely wrapped, and any attachments have plastic wrap coverings on them. Many helpful applications are available on the Google Play Store that provides a description of the condition and present working capabilities of your phone, but none of the ones we tried could tell you whether it had been refurbished.

But below are a few practical suggestions that might help you have a happy shopping experience. It also reduces the risk that a purchase of used or repaired goods will go wrong.

  1. Don’t Purchase the stolen phones
  2. Match the IMEI number with that on the packaging or the bill
  3. Beware of Fake Phones by visiting the authorized service centre
  4. Before buying a mobile phone, explore it from every possible quarter for any defects
  5. Examine the Ports and Accessories’ Functionality
  6. Accept the Best Offer regarding the price
  7. Request the device’s original receipt from the seller
  8. Get the original data cable and charger
  9. Keep an eye on the battery drainage
  10. Check if all the hardware components work


You might need to focus more on the physical condition of the mobile phone. Also, check the IMEI and modal number to check for a second-hand phone. We’ll suggest that to get the best offers on the device of your desire. Both for new and used phones, search the internet and your neighbourhood retailers.

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